Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Blogging Guru - John Chow

The hardest part of blogging is getting noticed. (Like most things in life, I suppose.)

If you want sound advice on promoting your own blog I heartily recommend visiting www.johnchow.com and reading John Chow's story. (He's created websites with over 200,000 page views per day, so the guy knows what he's talking about.) Type "promotion" into his search engine for ideas on how to increase your readership. Also, take advantage of his linkbaiting program as I am via this post. For your review of his website he offers a link back to yours. Find out more about it at www.johnchow.com/review-my-blog-get-a-free-linkback/ and let me know if it works for you.

You may be thinking that my review is tainted by this outright bribery. Yup, it is. But I would still recommend visiting his website even if he hadn't offered this bonus. He has lots of interesting information on monetizing your own blog, plus an amazing amount of interesting links derived from his linkback program. Also, I like that he's up front about his affiliate programs. If he sells it or advertises for it, he backs it as a worthwhile product or service.

And lastly, I find his Fine Dining posts to be interesting. I note that Mr. Chow is eating a heck of a lot of lobsters. Could this be a more subtle side to his self-promotion as a successful blogger? This guy is one smart cookie.

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