Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Business Idea - Cardboard Playhouses

I remember experiencing serious playhouse envy when as a kid I visited a cousin and saw what her handy dad constructed for her: a sweet little, blue, two windowed playhouse at the back of their yard. Man, oh, man, I wanted one of my own. Kind of like my real estate envy now... Anyway, I think as long as the boxes are sturdy enough, this could be a viable idea. Build them in a way that they can be shipped flat by freight, sell them by mail order or on the web. Your customers assemble these cardboard playhouses and the kids themselves paint the playhouse. You can draw outlines of animals and flowers and other items on the outside of the cardboard and the kids simply color it all in. They can also be marketed to boys, if you design them as secret forts. Research safety issues before committing any serious cash to this business.

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